There is a village called Garh Himmat Singh, 2.5 hrs from Jaipur which cannot be found on any map or tourist guide, but there is something special about the village. It is a Hockey Village.
The village run by Bua Sa Foundation of Germany has the slogan, “Education and Sports for better future” imparts education and teaches hockey to young people with a great hope that one day the kids will be able to earn good money from the education they receive and have a better future. The foundation also aims to bring better facilities in rural India. It is a commonly known fact that rural India is still way behind urban India and foundation is trying to change that by providing the village with hygiene and sanitation facilities.
The kids are taught English and German language in order to establish language centers which will help the kids to learn and earn by themselves.
But, the greatest thing about this village is, the kids as young as 6 year old are introduced to the game of hockey with hope that they will become good players and earn money from sports in the future.
When I contacted Andrea Thumshrin , founder of Bua Sa foundation, and asked her why hockey and not cricket, the game Indians love, she said the kids should know the national game of India (and she herself is a hockey player). She wanted the kids to learn about team spirit, responsibility and competition, and according to her there is no better way than hockey to teach these kids about all of the above things.
The kids are currently learning about the rules of hockey and gaining fitness to play the game. The foundation has tied up with DPS Jaipur to play friendly games, once the kids learn how to play the game. The foundation is also co-operating with German clubs for exchange programs in future for the kids. The best players will be coached and trained in the hockey academy which will open in the year 2012.
These young kids are very lucky kids. They are receiving the thing that other kids can only dream of, education. Plus, playing hockey is a great motivation for the kids to come to school (and also the fact they get their hockey equipment from Europe). In future, the kids might not become national team players, but hockey along with education would have taught them many things to live in this world. I thank Bua Sa Foundation for the help they are giving it to the rural India and hope that they succeed in their objective.
The foundation is regularly in need of donation and volunteers to carry out its objectives. Your little help can do great wonders for the people of Garh Himmat Singh. In order to know about the donations and volunteers you can contact:
keep it up bhua sa
Brij Mohan Sharma Please Call Me Mob:-09571727163